Lockdown ended and we shot off to France, Spain and Portugal in the campervan. Now the weather is pants and the cold makes me lazy…
In case you missed it I made My first Beach Buggy video!
First I needed to get that awful looking snarking bumble Bee off the bonnet so I could feel like I was accomplishing something on this 58 year old.
There was a good idea at the start but The execution was just, well how can I say politely, wibblepoo (that weird word was inserted by the forum auto correct haha). If the face had been more pleasant and not something that reminds you of a snarling mother-in-law then this graphic could’ve worked for me. Remember the Hornet on the Jordan’s F1 cars? Those were very cool. No I don’t think I’m going to do that!
Anyway pictures tell a story…
With buxom bumble bee gone from the bonnet it was time to try polish out that colour fade.
Out came the cutting paste and polisher.
Off for a drive!
Then I removed all the fake carbon vinyl sticker from the sides as well and…
Then I made another video cos some people liked the first one – click here.
Happy days!